Curriculum Vitae

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Atmosphere-biosphere interactions; ecosystem responses to climate; terrestrial biogeochemical cycling.


Ph.D: The effects of drought on carbon allocation and cycling in an Amazon rainforest.
University of Edinburgh, School of Geosciences, U.K., 2006.
M.Sc Biodiversity & Conservation with Distinction.
University of Leeds, School of Biology, U.K., 2003.
B.Sc Joint Honours Geology & Biology
University of Bristol, School of Biological sciences & Department of Earth Science, U.K., 2002.


Post-Doctoral Researcher, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden, 2007.
Collect, analyze and synthesize data from a large-scale forest 13CO2 isotope labelling experiment to provide insights into the rate and pattern of carbon allocation within boreal forest. Thus far, work has led to publication in the journal New Phytologist.
Doctoral Student, University of Edinburgh, U.K., 2003-2006.
Coordinated an extensive program of measurements on above- and below-ground plant components, on a rainfall exclusion experiment and at other sites, to provide insights into controls upon Amazon carbon cycling. Authored scientific methods manual now used by international scientific networks across South America (Pan-Amazonia) and Europe (CarboEurope). Used advanced statistical techniques to analyze data. Submitted thesis within three years with no corrections. Work led to four papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (two more in review, and one more in preparation).
Masters Student, University of Leeds, U.K., 2002.
Organized and conducted independent fieldwork for M.Sc thesis on plant reproduction in which led to publication in the journal Plant Ecology.
Research Assistant, University of Leeds, U.K., 2002.
Measured interactions between experimental populations of predators, parasites and prey. Gained experience of laboratory protocol. Work led to publication in the journal Ecology.
Research Assistant, University of Cambridge, U.K., 2001
Investigated the behaviour and diet of a critically endangered primate species in south-east Brazil. Conducted research under demanding fieldwork conditions, with extended periods of independent work. Produced a report for the state park where research was conducted.
Undergraduate Student, University of Bristol, U.K., 1998-2001
Evaluated the impact of farm management strategy upon bat activity and diversity. Data led to first undergraduate dissertation. Designed a theoretical model to test hypotheses related to the evolution of nocturnal activity in bats, which led to second undergraduate dissertation.


Research Supervisor, Pan-Amazonia program, University of Oxford, U.K., 2004 & 2006.
Supervised at two workshops designed to transfer key scientific skills to promising young ecologists from South America. Provided advice about techniques for quantifying terrestrial carbon cycling processes, analysis of data, and writing articles for submission to peer reviewed journals.
Academic Tutor, University of Edinburgh, U.K., 2003 – 2006.
Structured and guided undergraduate tutorials for the following courses: physical geography, geomorphology, environmental sensitivity and change. Liaised with course coordinator to mark undergraduate exam scripts.
Fieldwork Supervisor, University of Edinburgh, U.K., 2003.
Provided intensive technical and theoretical support to undergraduates as a supervisor on a week long geomorphology field course.


Stable Isotopes In Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria, 2007.
Developed experience of practical applications in ecological research for stable isotopes of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.
Statistics For Environmental Evaluation, University of Glasgow, U.K., 2006.
Acquired practical experience of the following statistical procedures: regression (including non-linear and non-parametric approaches), multivariate ordination, time series and spatial modelling, extreme value modelling. Developed advanced skills in statistical software.
Career & Transferable Skills, U.K. GRAD program, U.K., 2006.
Improved skills relating to organisation and planning, design and presentation of projects, and communicating science to non-specialists.
Terrestrial Carbon Cycle & Earth Observation, Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics, U.K., 2005
Gained skills and experience in collecting, analyzing and presenting data on soil and plant carbon cycling, and micrometeorology.
Ecological And Environmental Modelling, University of Edinburgh, U.K., 2003.
Developed a suite of technical and conceptual skills necessary for the design, implementation and evaluation of basic environmental simulation models.
M.Sc Courses, University of Leeds, U.K., 2002.
Gained theoretical knowledge and practical experience in taxonomy and systematics, economics and public policy, environmental law, computing and statistics, environmental GIS, remote sensing and digital image processing, and environmental impact assessment.


British Ecological Society Tropical Ecology Interest Group Conference, Oral presentation, 2008; Earth System Science Partnership Conference, Poster, 2007; Czech Environmental Meteorology Conference, Invited oral presentation, 2006; Edinburgh University Geosciences Conference, Oral presentations, 2004-2006; British Ecological Society Conference, Poster, 2003; Second LBA Conference, Poster, 2002; First LBA Conference, Poster, 2001. 


Applied for and awarded a total of £3500 from the Royal Society (Dudley Stamp Memorial Fund) and University of Edinburgh (Elizabeth Sinclair Fund and Small Projects Grant). Funds were used to extend period of data collection and initiate novel experiments at doctoral research field site in Brazil. Doctoral work was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, U.K.



1) Metcalfe DB. & Kunin WE. (2006). The effects of plant density upon pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae). Plant Ecology 185: 41-47.
2) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A method for extracting plant roots from soil which facilitates rapid sample processing without compromising measurement accuracy. New Phytologist 174: 697-703.
3) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Sample sizes for estimating key ecosystem characteristics in a tropical terra firme rainforest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 558-566.
4) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A comparison of methods for converting rhizotron root length measurements into estimates of root mass production per unit ground area. Plant and Soil 301: 279-288.
5) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots and soil organic matter at four rain forest sites in the eastern Amazon. Journal of Geophysical Research -Biogeosciences  Vol. 112, GO4001, DOI: 10.1029/2007JG000443.
6) Metcalfe DB. (2005). Measuring root dynamics in tropical ecosystems: a field manual. Project for the Advancement of Networked Science in Amazonia (PANAMAZONIA & RAINFOR), University of Oxford, UK.
7) Meir P, Metcalfe DB, Costa ACL (2007). The fate of assimilated carbon during drought: impacts on respiration in Amazon rainforests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal society of London - Biological Sciences DOI: 10.1098/rtsb.2007.0021
8) Cameron TC, Metcalfe DB, Beckerman AP. & Sait SM. (2007). Intraspecific competition: the role of lags between attack and death in host-parasitoid interactions. Ecology 88: 1225-1231.
9) Högberg P, Högberg MN, Gottlicher SG, Betson NR, Keel SG, Metcalfe DB, Campbell C, Schindlbacher A, Hurry V, Lindmark T, Linder S. & Nasholm T. (2007). High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms. New Phytologist 177: 220-228.
10) Ostonen I, Puttsepp U, Biel C, Alberton O, Bakker MR, Lohmus K, Majdi H, Metcalfe DB, Olsthoorn AD, Pronk A, Vanguelova E, Weih M. & Brunner I. (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems 141: 426-442.

In Review

11) Metcalfe DB et al. The effects of soil water availability on root growth and morphology in an Amazon rain forest. Plant and Soil.
12) Metcalfe DB et al. Progressive increases in Amazon rainforest leaf dark respiration over five years following an experimentally-imposed drought. Global Change Biology.
13) Malhi Y, Aragao LEOC, Metcalfe DB, Patino S, Quesada CA, Almeida S, Anderson L, Brando P, Chambers JQ, Da Costa ACL, Ferreira L, Hutyra LR, Oliveira P, Pyle EH, Robertson AL, Carbon stocks, productivity and allocation in three Amazonian forests. Global Change Biology

In Preparation

14) Metcalfe DB et al. Seasonal changes in root production and morphology at an eastern Amazon rainforest site. To be submitted to New Phytologist.
15) Metcalfe DB et al. Carbon cycling and allocation in an eastern Amazon rainforest after four years of an experimentally-imposed drought. To be submitted to Global Change Biology.
16) Aragão LEOC, Malhi Y, Almeida S, Almeida E, Metcalfe DB, Athaydes Junior J, Salinas N. & Espero J. Influence of soil fertility on spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation and roots in the Amazon. To be submitted to Ecology.
17) Aragão LEOC, Malhi Y, Almeida S, Almeida E, Metcalfe DB, Athaydes Junior J, Salinas N. & Espero J. Patterns of carbon allocation in the Amazonian forests. To be submitted to Global Change Biology.


Speak english (native speaker), dutch (basic), portuguese (advanced), swedish (basic). Lived and travelled in Malawi (1980-1989), Botswana, (1991-1993), Swaziland (Summer 1996), Holland (1996-2002), Morocco (Summer 1998), Brazil (Nov. 2001- April 2002) and Sweden (2007).


Available on request.