

1) Metcalfe DB & Kunin WE (2006). The effects of plant density upon pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae). Plant Ecology 185: 41-47.
2) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A method for extracting plant roots from soil which facilitates rapid sample processing without compromising measurement accuracy. New Phytologist 174: 697-703.
3) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Sample sizes for estimating key ecosystem characteristics in a tropical terre firme rainforest. Forest Ecology & Management. 255: 558-566.
4) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A comparison of methods for converting rhizotron root length measurements into estimates of root mass production per unit ground area. Plant and Soil 301: 279-288.
5) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots and soil organic matter at four rainforest sites in the eastern Amazon. JGR-Biogeosciences Vol.112, GO4001, DOI: 10.1029/2007JG000443.
6) Högberg P, Högberg MN, Gottlicher SG, Betson NR, Keel SG, Metcalfe DB, Campbell C,Schindlbacher A, Hurry V, Lindmark T, Linder S & Nasholm T (2007). High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms. New Phytologist 177: 220-228.
7) Ostonen I, Puttsepp U, Biel C, Alberton O, Bakker MR, Lohmus K, Majdi H, Metcalfe D, Olsthoorn AD, Pronk A, Vanguelova E, Weih M & Brunner I (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems 141: 426-442.
8) Cameron TC, Metcalfe DB, Beckerman AP & Sait SM (2007). Intraspecific competition: the role of lags between attack and death in host-parasitoid interactions. Ecology 88: 1225-1231
9) Meir P, Metcalfe DB & Costa ACL (2007). The fate of assimilated carbon during drought: impacts on respiration in Amazon rainforests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London-Biological Sciences DOI:10.1098/rtsb.2007.0021

In Review

10) Metcalfe DB et al. The effects of soil water availability on root growth and morphology in am Amazon rainforest. Plant and Soil.
11) Metcalfe DB et al. Progressive increases in Amazon rainforest leaf dark respiration over five years following an experimentally imposed drought. Global Change Biology.
12) Malhi Y, Aragao LEOC, Metcalfe DB, Patino S, Quesada CA, Almeida S, Anderson L, Brando P, Chambers JQ, Da Costa AL, Ferreira L, Hutyra LR, Oliveira P, Pyle EH, Robertson AL. Carbon stocks, productivity and allocation in three Amazonian forests. Global Change Biology.

In Preparation

13) Metcalfe DB et al. Seasonal changes in root production and morphology at an eastern Amazon rainforest site. To be submitted to New Phytologist.
14) Metcalfe DB et al. Carbon cycling and allocation in an eastern Amazon rainforest after four years of an experimentally-imposed drought. To be submitted to Global Change Biology.
15) Aragao LEOC, Malhi Y, Almeida S, Almeida E, Metcalfe DB, Athaydes Junior J, Salinas N & Espero J. Influence of soil fertility on spatio-temporal dynamics of vegetation and roots in the Amazon. To be submitted to Ecology.
16) Aragao LEOC, Malhi Y, Almeida S, Almeida E, Metcalfe DB, Athaydes Junior J, Salinas N & Espero J. Patterns of carbon allocation in the Amazonian Forests. To be submitted to Global Change Biology.